5 steps to transition to a Paleo diet – Podcast #68

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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand give us 5 helpful steps to transition to a Paleo diet or template in order to get on the right track to nutrition and healthy lifestyle. This podcast is basically for anyone who's trying to make a transition to a healthier diet. Find out how you can get the foundation laid from diet into functional medicine.

transition_to_a_healthy_dietLearn about Paleo and how it isn't just a meat diet. Dr. J busts out the myth about not cooking your vegetables and discover why it's actually good to cook some of them. Dr. Justin and Evan advise to be wary of how much sugar content are found in drinks, even the pseudo healthy ones. Find out why it is a good idea to upgrade your meat quality and how important it is not to skip your meals.

In this episode, topics include:

3:53   Paleo diet

5:28   Cooking your food

8:20   Soda to water

13:19   Upgrade your meat quality

15:33   Skipping meals









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Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Hey, Evan, it’s Dr. J.  What’s going on, man?

Evan Brand:  Hey, well, I’m excited.  I got the memo to wear Polo shirts today.  So looks like we’re off to a good start.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  I like it.  You’re styling, man.  Well, I’m back from vacation feeling a lil–a little more refreshed than I normally am so feeling pretty extra energized today.  How are you doing?

Evan Brand:  Oh, I’m feeling good.  Feeling really good.  I mean that it’s cloudy and we’re headed into the dark gloomy winter here but I’m still pretty upbeat about it.  So–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Does it get cold down in Louisville there?

Evan Brand:  Oh, it gets freezing.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Does it really?

Evan Brand: Oh yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  You get a lot of snow.

Evan Brand:  We got about a foot when we–when Hannah and I first moved back in March.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Oh, wow.

Evan Brand:  The day after we moved back, we had a foot of snow.  So some years yes, some years no.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Got it, that makes sense.  Well, we talked about in the pre-show that we wanted to do a podcast on transitioning to Paleo.  So this may be elementary for some people.  For anyone that’s trying to get their spouse or family member to switch over or try to make a transition to a healthier diet, this is gonna be in my opinion the podcast for you.  And we’ll kinda lay the foundation from diet into functional medicine because there are people that diet changes a lot of times will fix a lot of their issues depending on how long they’ve been sick, you know tending to be the–the less long you’ve been sick, the shorter time period you’ve been sick, diet changes can be enough sometimes.  But if it’s been longer, more prolonged or if it’s more serious, you’re gonna have to go or transition into the functional medicine world and the diet is the foundational piece to go into that functional medicine world.  The sicker you are, it’s like building a skyscraper, right?  The taller that skyscraper is, meaning the sicker you are, well, the–the deeper you have to build that foundation and a lot of functional medicine doctors and practitioners, they really skim on the foundational info and we’re gonna make sure we lay that down and we’re laying it down kind of in a Paleo template format, and that’s kind of a very loaded term because a lot of people like I just look at my YouTube comments–I try not to look at them too much because they’re all over the map, but I get a lot of feedback on Paleo as just a meat diet.  And that is totally, you know, you know couldn’t be farther from the truth and for some people it may be more meat than others, some it’s less meat.  But again, like my plate for instance, that my food goes on, it’s 50% or more vegetables.  So to say that it’s an all-meat diet, I see more vegetables on my plate that most vegans and vegetarians.  So go figure.  It’s not just a meat diet, it’s a diet that is kind of geared to how we evolve.  The foods that we have eaten.  Foods that are nutrient-dense.  Foods that are low in toxins.  Foods that are anit-inflammatory, cutting out a lot of the refined vegetable oils and extra omega-6 fats.  Foods that are sustaining for life and that are gonna help give us the nutrients we need and we can dial in the macro-nutrients, the protein, fat and carbs just like we dial up the temperature up or down in our house depending on what’s happening outside.

Evan Brand:  Yeah, and I find for some reason, you can give somebody a nutrition plan to go with, they may stick with their supplements, there may be some symptoms that pop up; for example, this happened last week with a client where her skin was reacting.  She was having all of these crazy rashes and so I said, “Well, let’s dig in to the diet.  Are you still consuming pasteurized dairy and grains?”  “Well, yeah.”  And that–and then we found it immediately.  So sometimes I feel like people get loose with the diet, like they dial in Paleo really strict, and then they’re like, “I’m gonna kinda like open the boundaries a little bit.”  But then symptoms pop back up and you can’t out-supplement nutrition some of the time.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Exactly.  You can’t.  So if we start kind of foundational here.  The foundational template for me in a Paleo diet or a Paleo template.  I like template better because we give ourselves wiggle room is cutting out the grains.  So I like the old analogy going from grains to greens.  So any amount of grains that were in or are in your diet, we wanna shift them over to greens–green vegetables, broccoli, spinach, asparagus.  You know, all of these good things.  And of course, like we can make an exception for cauliflower and other vegetables that may not necessarily be green, right?  These are our non-starchy vegetables.  We’re not gonna get in trouble with these causing blood sugar swings because they don’t convert to carbohydrate, sugar that fast.  There’s a very low amount of carbohydrate in it so they don’t convert to sugar that fast so it’s not gonna cause a rollercoaster ride.  They’re nutrient-dense.  They’re anti-inflammatory and there’s a lot of fiber which can make us feel very satiated.  So the first tip I would say is going from grains to greens.  You wanna comment on that, Evan?

Evan Brand:  Yeah, that’s a good step and definitely organic greens are very easy to find.  So there’s almost no excuse now to–to be able to have to access to good quality greens.  Generally speaking, the darker and more colorful, the better.  Iceberg lettuce obviously is not a green.  That’s really–doesn’t really count.  So definitely focus on your good spinaches, your kales, all of the chards and cool-looking things that you can find at your Farmer’s Market or even at the grocery now.  They have a lot of variety now at the grocery compared to 5-10 years ago.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Exactly.  When you add these greens in or add these extra non-starchy vegetables in, a good things to kinda keep in mind if you’re already having digestive issues, you may wanna cook some of these things down.  You may wanna steam it or sautee it, just because of the fact that a lot of these foods have extra fiber that may make it hard for you to access the nutrients or may make it harder on your GI tract to break things down.  So if you’re adding in these vegetables and you’re getting gassy or bloaty or more constipated, a good next step would be to steam or sautee some of these things either which is with a steamer or cook in a little bit of grass-fed butter, ghee or coconut oil, because cooking is pre-digestion, right?  A lot of people in the vegan-vegetarian area will say, “Well, cooking destroys all the enzymes and depletes all the nutrients.”  Well, it really depends, right?  Because it’s not that black and white.  Cooking actually can make nutrients more bio-available.  If you look at the nutrients in raw broccoli to steamed broccoli, there’s actually more nutrients in steamed broccoli because you’re breaking down the fiber, giving your body more access to the nutrients that are actually present in it.  So a little bit of steaming, a little bit of sauteeing these things as long as you’re not really cooking them to death or boiling the crap out of them, right?  If we’re doing something reasonable and we’re not going overboard, we’re actually gonna create more nutrition and more bio-availability.

Evan Brand:  Yeah, not that it matters, but I would say for me personally, I’m about 80% cooked or steamed and 20% raw.  I just find I feel so much better like last night we had this huge head of broccoli that we cut up and put in the pan with some butter and some pink salt.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah.

Evan Brand:  Oh, God, it was so good.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  And there are certain vegetables are more intuitive–more intuitively eaten raw like spinach, right?  That’s gonna be more raw.  A carrot, maybe more raw.  Cucumbers, more raw.  These are kinda natural intuitive vegetables that will be eaten raw, but then things like cauliflower or broccoli or cabbage, things like that will do better cooked or steamed or even fermented, you know, in the form of sauerkraut or cabbage.

Evan Brand:  Uh-hmm.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  That’s kind of our first step there.  Anything else on that that you wanna mention?

Evan Brand:  I think that’s pretty good coverage.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Alright, so we have step one in and I think step two, I–I would add would be the cooking element, because can make a big difference.  People go from eating a lot more vegetables now there are more fiber there, and then they start feeling more gassy or bloating and that’s the first step to take when you’re feeling more gassy and bloated.

Evan Brand:  I actually do have one last thing to say on that, just because I was doing some reading yesterday and a study found that up to 7 servings of vegetables per day was the optimal amount for happiness.  So if you need a reason to eat more veggies, then maybe that’s it.  Now they went up past 7 and they didn’t find any more happiness, but every serving up to 7 servings per day of veggies improve happiness.  So there you go.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  That’s great.  Very good.  Awesome.  Next.

Evan Brand:  Soda to water.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Soda to water.

Evan Brand:  It’s amazing how many people still drink soda.  Like we’re in 2015 and I’m not judging, but when I look at some food journals and you as well, it’s like, “Whoa! Really?”

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah.

Evan Brand:  Still 5-6 Diet Pepsis or Diet Cokes, I thought we were done with those.  But it’s a big deal.  It’s a big addiction.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  And it may not even be soda, it may be vitamin water.  Oh, my gosh.  I mean, I’m drinking vitamins and getting some crystalline fructose at 45 grams per bottle.  Actually more sugar in these vitamin waters than actually in a Coke.  It’s terrible or even some of the Kombuchas, right?  There’s a couple brands down here in Austin, Texas.  I won’t name them but they have almost as much sugar as a soda.  So if you’re gonna do Kombucha, my favorite brand is GT Dave’s.  I like the Trilogy or the–the ginger.  There’s a lot of them.  Citrus and cranberry are great, too.  But they’re at about 2 grams of sugar per serving.  Much, much better than some of the ones that are at 12, 15, 24.  Remember that’s you know, per 8 ounces so you gotta multiply it by 1-1/2 to get the true ratios.  So there’s 20 grams of sugar per serving which a lot of them have.  That’s really 30 grams of sugar per bottle.  You’re sitting right at a level of a Coke almost.

Evan Brand:  Yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Really gross.

Evan Brand:  There–there are a lot of pseudo-health drinks that are promoted as healthy.  One that I drank for a while admittedly several years ago was one called Neuro and it was primarily crystalline fructose.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yup.

Evan Brand:  But then they added in some L-theanine and some other things.  I wanted to just feel the effects because it was like a liquid calming drink.  That crystalline fructose is worse than regular fructose for you in terms of glycation.  So–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah.

Evan Brand:  I stay away from it now but it’s–it’s more common than you think to have compounds like that.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Absolutely.  And also even people that go to Whole Foods and think well, I’m gonna go to the juice bar and get a–a green juice made.  And then what happens is half of the vegetables are carrots which have a ton of sugar if you juice them and then if they start adding in fruit in there, my gosh, you can add a ton of sugar by just using too much fruit.  So if you’re gonna do a green drink, you wanna make sure 90%+ of it is green vegetables and ideally not much of a carrot unless you’re doing, you know, maybe a quarter of one carrot and then maybe you want a little bit of a berry or you wanna sweeten it with a–a half green apple or maybe a little bit of pineapple at the very end.  But 90% or so at least should be your green veggies not including the carrot because you wanna make sure you’re not creating too much sugar.  Because when you pull that fiber out, that sugar goes into your body very fast and even there’s a whole of nutrients along with it, your body will still see 20 or 30 grams of sugar, the same as that Coke regarding the sugar.  Yes, there’s vitamins and minerals but the sugar is still there.

Evan Brand:  Yeah, I’m a bigger of fan of just blending all of the greens with some berries as opposed to juicing.  I much prefer that for people and you’re getting the whole plant.  You’re not just taking out the–the sugar from the–the sugar bag and–and leaving everything else behind.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah.  I like using a Vitamix and doing that as well.  Again, there’s benefits from–for each, you get a lot more fiber.  But some people, the fiber’s, you know, creating extra fermentation and bloating and–and gut issues which would cause me to want to look deeper.  But yeah, so you gotta pick your poison and if you’re gonna do it, you gotta make sure you’re doing it the right way so you’re not driving up too much sugar.

Evan Brand:  Yeah, and if you buy bottled green drinks, I guess since we’re on the topic of this, watching out for pseudo-health drinks, a lot of the green drinks out there I’ve seen 40, 50, even close to 60 grams of sugar for some of these cold pre-bottled green drinks, so the one I do is the Suja, the Midday Thrive, that’s the lowest sugar I could find.  It’s all organic and it’s about 19 grams per bottle, which is still pretty hefty, but–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah.

Evan Brand:  It’s just one of those go-to pick-me-ups.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah, and if you’re trying to figure out, you know, the green drink, obviously look at the sugar label.  In Austin, we have a couple really good ones that are at 6 or 7 grams for the whole bottle.  But look at the sugar label.  You see over, you know, 15 or so, it’s definitely too high, even if it’s at the amount that you mentioned, probably better post-workout, right?  Probably better post-workout and then look at the ingredients.  The ingredients are written in ascending to descending regarding how much of that product or that compound’s in the drink.  So if it’s pineapple or a fruit first, you know the majority of that is gonna be that fruit.  So if you’re looking at a fruit one and there’s maybe a little bit of green apple or pineapple in it, make sure it’s that last ingredient or so because that way you know that that was used the least and the other veggies were used the most.

Evan Brand:  Yeah, the–it’s actually–it’s opposite most of the time.  It’s like water, apple juice.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yes.

Evan Brand:  Then a little greens.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yes, exactly.  And you want whole food, you don’t want concentrate crap.  So just–if you can read the ingredients, you’re gonna be able to be–you know, you’ll be able to make better choices, smarter choices.

Evan Brand:  Yup.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Alright, next step here is upgrade your meat quality.  Meat can be toxic.  It can be if you’re eating a whole bunch of conventional junky meats, animals that have been fed corn and grains and unnatural diet, step one.  Two, those are heavily–heavily genetically modified.  So what that means, they have been spliced with other genes.  They tend to produce pesticides like BT toxin, so then when you consume them, they’re still in your gut producing toxins of some sort.  And they are also heavily sprayed with a pesticide known as Roundup or glyphosate.  You know, what that means is that the heavy amount of spraying, glyphosate works by killing weeds around it via chelating out minerals.  So if it’s chelating out minerals, that means there’s less nutrients in the foods themselves.  Therefore, the animals get less nutrients, you get less nutrients.  So GMOs are bad because of a couple reasons, toxins, pesticides, mold.  Also bad because they are heavily sprayed with Roundup, which pulls out more nutrients; therefore, there’s less nutrients to you and its unnatural diet.  So if you can just go from conventional to pasture-fed, there’s automatically an improvement there.  If you can go up from pasture-fed to organic, there’s an improvement there because the foods are gonna have less pesticides and not be sprayed by Roundup and no GMO, and then if you can go to pasture-fed and local where they getting being fed grass and a natural diet then you’re way ahead of yourself.  So if you can just make sure the meat quality is better and wherever you are in that ladders, if it’s conventional, we’ll go to free-range.  If you’re at free-range, go to organic.  If you’re at organic, go to organic pasture-fed and then even local.  So that’s kind of the–the ladder in which you can just reach one rung up where you’re currently up.

Evan Brand:  Yeah, and I would squeeze wild meat in there in that ladder somewhere, too.  I’ve been buying elk at the store.  I’m not out hunting elk but it’s still wild meat that tastes amazing and you can know that it’s good quality so I love–love getting meats.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah, that’s great.  Anything else you want to about the meat?

Evan Brand:  I think that’s good.  I think we can spend a lot more time blah-blah-ing about it but that’s pretty good.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Good. Next I would say skipping meals, right?  A lot of people are notorious for skipping breakfast.  “I’m not hungry in the morning.”  Well, there’s a great deal of evidence in the research but even just clinically that if you have good amount of protein and fat at breakfast, you really supercharge your metabolism but you also balance out your cravings during the day.  Now this is important because if you’re making a dietary shift, right?  Where on this Paleo template, well, if we can create a satiated appetite during the day, we’re less likely to create other crap and sugar and drinks and candies that may derail us.  So if we can set our metabolism early in the day, put the right amount of protein and fat in our body, then we’re more likely to make better choices throughout the day because we stabilize our blood sugar, stabilize our brain chemistry and we’re gonna be more in-charge of our ships so to speak.

Evan Brand:  Yeah, a lot of people eat, which I talked with a lady this morning, she said, “Man, I just love eating cereal in the morning.”  And she eats nothing else with it, so that insulin has to get secreted and now you have high insulin and now you can’t burn fat all day.  So her main goal is weight loss.  Obviously, I like to say, weight loss is a side-effect of getting healthy.  But if you’re just doing a carb-rich breakfast like that, that blood sugar goes sky high, now you’re probably gonna come down an hour or two later and have even more cravings for more cereal or candy bars or pretzels or something silly like that.  You’re gonna feel like crap.  You’re not gonna be able to focus and you’re gonna gain weight that way, so definitely do some coconut oil on that shake or do the bacon and eggs.  Did I have breakfast this morning?  I can’t remember.  What did you have?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  I’m actually sipping on a shake right now.  I had some–some high quality coffee with some MCT and butter this morning to start my day and then I’m sipping on a protein shake with collagen and beef protein.  That’s the next step right here, right?  Because 90% of my patients, because when you’ve had thousands of interactions with patients you kind of know, you know, what they’re gonna say ahead of time.  It’s like a–a good attorney is always told in court, “Never a question you don’t already know the answer to.”  And it’s kinda like that with patients.  So I say, “Don’t ever skip breakfast.  Don’t skip these meals.”  And they’re response is, I’ll see if you can guess it.

Evan Brand:  They’ll say, “Okay,” sometimes.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah, the main response I get is, “I’m not hungry in the morning.  I wake up, I have no appetite.  I’m not hungry.”  So I say, “Okay, the reason why you’re not hungry in the morning is because you’re waking up in a strong sympathetic state.  Your nervous system is so shifted toward the Fight or Flight sympathetic branch of the nervous system and that turns off the appetite because if you’re in Fight or Flight, you don’t wanna be running from a tiger thinking about how much food you wanna eat because you’re starving, right?  You are focused on getting away so you can survive, and then once you shift from the sympathetics to the parasympathetics that’s the Rest and Digest, that allows blood flow to go away from the arms and legs.  Why is it in the arms and legs?  Because you need it to fight.  You need them to fight, right?  So now it’s going back to the core where it’s mobilizing hydrochloric acid secretions, enzyme secretions, and the–and motility so you can start moving things through your digestive tract.  That’s why if–if a really stressful event happens, I mean, you can even wet yourself or, you know, release bowels if it’s an incredibly stressful event.  Someone puts a gun to your head, boom, you may wet your pants right there on the spot.  That’s because the sympathetic nervous system was turned on so fast.  Now a lot of people aren’t gonna have that level of stress with a gun to your head, but you’re in traffic, you didn’t get good night’s sleep, you’re eating gluten, you’re blood sugar is all over the place.  You may be favoring that sympathetic side of the–of the see-saw.  So the first thing you can do is just get a bite or two of food in the morning.  Just say “I’m gonna get a bite or two,” because that can kind of get things moving in the right direction.  Even beyond that, if your digestion isn’t that good, getting a high-quality protein shake in there is excellent.  So if you go to my store, I have a couple that I like and recommend.  I think you have some, too.  Http://justinhealth.com/shop.  I have some good quality pea, good clean grass-fed whey protein, as well as a high-quality beef protein.  Now if you’re more allergenic, I typically go with the beef or pea if there’s more food allergies and such.  If you’re really autoimmune.  I would just go to the more unflavored pea protein because there’s nothing in it and we don’t typically get exposed to that much pea.  So pea and beef can be a really good starting point if you’re more allergenic.  If you’re doing pretty good with food allergies, then you can even add in a good grass-fed whey protein, mix it maybe with a few berries, a scoop of coconut or coconut milk like Evan mentioned and you get a really good protein, fats, carbohydrate macronutrient ratio there, concoction, but its’ easy to break down, digest, and assimilate.

Evan Brand:  Yup, you’ve already talked about the last key here which is smart supplementation, so protein shakes are definitely a smart choice for people that are in a rush.  I’d rather somebody take a protein shake any day than just skipping a meal and just rushing to work and not eating until 10 or 11 because now they’re hangry and they feel like killing somebody if they don’t get something in.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah, I mean foods are ideal first choice, but a protein shake if it’s high-quality which you’re gonna pay a little more for because a lot of the stuff on the market’s crap.  We try to only provide the super high-quality ones and then even mixing in some good quality collagen with it and then you can even throw in, put some greens if you wanted or some low glycemic fruit, then you got a really good macronutrient compound but you’re also giving your tummy a rest in the morning because if you’re waking up in the sympathetic state and you’re not in that–you’re not in that state of being able to digest, it puts food in your tummy that’s easy for your body to handle.

Evan Brand:  That’s true.  Yeah, I think that’s another piece of the puzzle, too, where people just don’t wanna eat because they feel better if they skip a meal because they are so Fight or Flight mode.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah.  I’d say the next thing after that would be if you made a lot of these changes, great.  You’re on the right track.  I would say the next thing is if you’re still dealing with fatigue, energy, brain fog, cold hands, cold feet, digestive issues, joint pain, we may have to dig in a little bit deeper.  We may have to talk about cutting out FODMAPs.  We may have to talk about an autoimmune diet.  We may have to talk about getting your adrenals, thyroid or your digestive system and looking for infections tested.  That’s where functional medicine comes in, so the first five steps we talked about are great transition point, and the next would be the functional medicine and that’s where seeking out a practitioner like yourself, Evan, or a doctor like myself here to help figure out what those next steps are.  But these are the foundational things that we work with, you work with, I work with and I–I’d see with a lot of patients that have come to me from other practitioners, even well-known ones that people would know on TV, and they miss these simple foundational things.  And again, these things are virtually free so we’re putting it out there so everyone has access to the foundation because the higher you’re building your health hotel if you will, right?  The deeper that foundation has to be and these things we’re talking about are key foundational things that you can never ignore.

Evan Brand:  Yeah, and I was just actually watching a presentation by Kalish last night and he was talking about how even some of these big name doctors out there, they’re so good at getting people in the door and they sell them, you know, these thousands of dollars’ worth of supplements and products and things like that but they have absolutely no follow-up and no system in place that helps people get better so they just–they basically put them up to the chopping block and then send them on their way, and you and I are about creating a sustainable future for somebody because you’re not just going to instantly snap everything into a place and we’re gonna wave our magic wands and you get better.  It’s gonna take time to pull yourself in the right direction from several different categories.  So the nutrition side of things, getting minerals back in, optimizing hydrochloric acid production, getting rid of infections, supporting the adrenals, balancing the hormones.  There’s so many other things that take time that if someone, if you’re–you’ve dealt with a practitioner or someone’s telling you, “Look, this is it. You buy all this crap and you’re good.”  Then I would be a little bit wary because, you know, I tell people, “Look, I’m not ever gonna sign in blood we’re gonna fix you overnight.”  So you have to have patience.  It may have taken you 40 years to get that sick or to finally reach out, but now it’s gonna take at least some time to get better.  You can’t reverse all that overnight.  So that’s my little rant of the day.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Absolutely and remember supplements are called supplements for a reason, right?  They are supplementing a good diet, a healthy diet, a healthy lifestyle.  They aren’t called replacements, right?  Alright, they’re not called replacements because we’re not replacing the foods, so foundation is the diet.  Also the timing of our food and then also things like water–hydration in between meals, drinking half your body in ounces, and getting to bed on time before 11 o’clock.  All these things are super helpful to getting us dialed in and if we’re still having issues, you’re eating meat, you’re feeling bloaty, you’re feeling burpy, you’re still tired.  It’s not in the diet, okay?  It’s not.  There may be some fine tuning we have to do with FODMAP or maybe nuts or seeds or eggs that may be a key component.  But there’s probably something deeper and if there is, you want to reach out to get those other pieces fine tuned.  It’s like a puzzle and if we can put everything together that’s gonna help us get your health to the next level.

Evan Brand:  Yup.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Any last closing comments here, Evan?

Evan Brand:  I think that’s it.  That was a great concise episode.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  So just to kind of reiterate because we talk fast or I–I definitely talk fast and it can be overwhelming so I always like to say things at least 3 times.  So first step is grains to greens.  Second step, cook your vegetables to improve bio-availability, okay?  Soda to water or high sugar drinks to water is a big improvement, or it can even be the Pellegrino or La Croix or even carbonated things that are naturally carbonated that don’t have extra sugar in, right?  That’s great.  Meat quality, go up one ladder where your meat quality is, right?  If you’re at conventional, go to pasture-fed or go to a free range.  If you’re at free range, go to organic.  If you’re at organic, go to–to pasture-fed and then like you said, you can even go to wild.  And then last but not the least is skipping the meals.  Don’t skip the meals.  If you’re–give me the excuse which I get a thousand times, “I’m not hungry in the morning.”  I can hear it now.  Get a good shake, get–get that dialed in, and then if you’re still having issues, again reach out to Evan’s site or to me, and we can help you get that dialed in.

Evan Brand:  Yup.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Evan, great show today, man.

Evan Brand:  Good stuff.  Likewise.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Have a good one.

Evan Brand:  You, too.  Bye.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Bye.




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